Heavenly Grace Computer Concept official site

Heavenly Grace Computer Concept official site

this is what leadership is all about

Leadership is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and
to create an urge in them to be led. To be a successful leader, a manager
must possess the qualities of foresight, drive, initiative, self-confidence
and personal integrity..The Bible teaching about Christian leadership
functions reveals that character and core values are crucial. Paul said
those in Christian leadership are servants and stewards of the mysteries of
God, and that, “it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy”
(1 Corinthians 4:2).The leader must be genuinely committed to the goals and
values of the group they lead.
A)leadership as a function....
Leadership is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and
to create an urge in them to be led. To be a successful leader, a manager
must possess the qualities of foresight, drive, initiative, self-confidence
and personal integrity..The Bible teaching about Christian leadership
functions reveals that character and core values are crucial. Paul said
those in Christian leadership are servants and stewards of the mysteries of
God, and that, “it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy”
(1 Corinthians 4:2).The leader must be genuinely committed to the goals and
values of the group they lead. The group also must recognize that quality
in their leader.
For Christian leadership, then, the leader must be devoted to the values
and purposes of Jesus Christ – and of the organization served. In fact,
Christian leadership must be more than a role that is played, but be
reality that is lived.
B)Leadership as a position  Many see leaders as those with power and
position. This view of leadership assumes that leaderss are the few people
at the top of an organisation. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Position, title and authority are often confused with leadership. We often
read news reports that refer to anyone with a title as a “leader”. However,
leadership is not an actual position or title. Whether you’re the president
of a country or a chief executive officer, your title does not make you a
leader. All a title does is make you a senior executive. Whilst position
and authority provide you with the potential to lead, it does not make you
a leader. You don’t suddenly become a leader just because you have a fancy
new title. In fact, you don’t need a title to lead. Every day you can find
examples of people with fancy titles that fail to demonstrate
leadership.Leadership happens when people allow you to influence their
lives. It’s only when your influence causes people to work towards a shared
vision that you become a leader. Leadership is more about influence and
relationship than it is about control and giving orders.
C)leadership as a calling...
If you are pursuing a leadership position and someone would ask you why,
would you have a good answer for them? Is it for the perceived power,
money, prestige, title or status that comes with a formal leadership
position? Or do you consider it a calling?Now I guess I should first define
what I mean by “calling”. Dictionary definitions of calling include:

A strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind of work (such as
religious work), andThe work that a person does or should be doing.

The Bible speaks of calling a number of times. For example, we are called
to God in our salvation. A good passage to illustrate this meaning of
calling is in the so-called “Golden Chain” of Romans 8:30:

And those whom He predestined He also called, and those whom He called He
also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.with hy do I
see leadership as my calling? Here are four reasons:

Being a leader, particularly a servant leader, aligns well with my faith
(see my article “4 Reasons Why I Aspire to be a Servant Leader”. I enjoy
coming alongside people (team members, mentees, etc.) and doing whatever I
can to help them solve problems, develop and succeed in their vocations.
After all, I see Jesus as the greatest example of being a servant leader.
An excellent book to read on this subject is Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from
the Greatest Role Model of All Timeby Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges.As a
leader, I help to drive results. Driving results helps my team or
organization to succeed. There is a great deal of satisfaction that comes
from leading a team to a goal or achievement.As a leader, I help people to
be successful. Ken Blanchard writes that he tries to help everyone “get an
‘A’. I like to help the members of my team rise to the level or position
that they are capable of (and interested in). I also enjoy helping emerging
leaders to get into a formal leadership position through mentoring
relationships.As a leader, I help people to play to their strengths. I’ve
seen the powerful difference a change in work assignments that better align
to an individual’s strengths, can make. People are more energized, excited
and passionate about their work when we can find them work that aligns to
their strengths.

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Thanks for visiting us today
Am Bashiru Aliyu by Name and am the CEO of Heavenly Grace, on behalf of my team & i, i want to use this medium to say thank you to our beautiful, handsome, awesome & magnificent clients who believed in us even when the knowledge & experience was all we had, once again thank you